Tscherning opens a new branch in Jutland. The department is based in Silkeborg and a large road construction project in Hedensted is among the first contracts.
The employees in Tscherning are still the company's most important asset. The back office functions are therefore expanded with an HR Manager and a Communications Manager.
Tscherning expands the management with a CFO and a COO of Demolition.
Tscherning acquires the smaller construction contractor Gravmand A/S in Birkerød, which are specialists in both soil, excavation and construction work.
Tscherning establishes Tscherning Beton A/S as an independent business unit to make concrete works.
Tscherning wins its largest construction projects to date, which include the establishment of a new urban area in "Køge Nord", as well as the construction maturation of the building site at "Fælledby" in Copenhagen.
Tscherning is awarded more and more large projects in both construction and demolition. Including demolition of the well-known, old main post office and "Papirøen" in Copenhagen as well as development of 18,000 m2 of land in Greve.
Tscherning buys a large plot of land on Lillemosevej in Hedehusene, which is still used as Tscherning's equipment yard with over 100 machines.
The Tscherning Academy is started, which offers both relevant professional courses and training for employees.
Tscherning acquires the company Total Diamanten ApS, which offers all types of cutting and drilling in concrete, brick and asphalt as well as floor and wall cutting.
Tscherning is developing a new KMA management system that meets all applicable requirements and certifications.
Georg's son, Søren Tschernings, starts his career in the company. After this, the scope of demolition and construction tasks is expanded.
Klaus Bodilsen is hired and develops the company together with Georg Tscherning into one of the region's most recognized demolition companies.
Our story starts in 1975, when founder Georg Tscherning buys his first excavator. For the first 18 years, the company primarily focuses on machine rental.